(Pixel) artist, anime + game dev and Vtuber! (and Scientist, level designer, Unity dev and dad of homemade plushies)
Open to commissions!
Latest game:

This project was inspired by Failboat! I'm a beeeg fan of his content, so just like with Bao and Uto, I wanted to make a fangame!
I can talk a long time about all of the Failboat lore, but all you need to know is that this project started with an OC Failbaot made. A Slime Summoner lady. He posted an artwork on twitter (seen below) and I just had to turn it into a game!It took some time to take shape, because I started with a 2D project, but I had to scrap it. Even though the mechanic of a Spider-Man-like grappling hook would work in 2D, 3D just made it feel much better. (almost asif there was a whole new dimension added to it :p)
... Also, it didn't help that I had to finish my Masters Degree in Science, which surprisingly took a lot of time hehe. (I did my thesis on non-cisgender representation in video games)After a lot of hard work and learning all aspects of Unity (like Shadergraph, Quaternions and the editor itself) I began designing the level:You are a new tenant looking for your apartment. Alas, your new home is at the tippy top of the building and the elevator broke. So you have to jump, climb and swing your way to the top! (While also a hurricane and flood might be hindering you >:) )This project showed me how much I have learned already from making my little games, but also how much there still is to learn! I can't wait to work on my new project! (oh wait, I have free will... I'm gonna work on that right now even!!)

Pixel Artworks:
Want your own animated pixelart animation or artwork?
The artworks start at 15,- euros
Animations start at 25,- eurosI'm also willing to work in game design for a project. I have studied Game design and cultural analysis, so I know how to make stories, mechanics flow, coding and art.

Kinds of artpieces I make:
A gift for a good friend of mine: DaissyPlayz. They helped a lot with the creation of my model! I made the design and he drew it propperly in photoshop so it could be rigged by me.

Here I made a fake champion digimon based on a AI generated digimon!

I also try to make my own little monsters, one is based on bunny dango (they are called Syrup) and the other is based on a Megaloceros (A giant elk with unreasonably big horns)

For my step-moms birthday I made her a childrens book she can read to our newborn family member! It's about them making an apple pie <3
For my dad I made an abstract painting about us and my late grandfather

I also did some character design! For example Maple, who would be Syrups (the bunny dango monster) partner. She loves to cook, although she is very clumsy. Luckly, even if it's a mess in the kitchen, her food is worth dying for!

Here is Viola from pokemon in a santa outfit..... why?.. well uhm...@Scykoh did a pokemon X randomizer nuzlock and kept on calling her santa, because she lives in Santalune City!

I also make animation in pixelart separate from the ones I use in games!
Like this follower notification animation I made for @kirurakev and @snailmaidcore.
And of course a lot of fanart and jokes
Game design
When it comes to game design, I usually make small games or just try out a single mechanic. Here are some examples!Tenshi with a Shotgun
Tenshi with a shotgun (click for link)Tenshi with a shotgun is a pretty big project I started a year ago which started as a small fanproject for Amatsuka Uto and Bao the Vtuber. However, it ended up a little bigger and has taught me many lessons on game design.The premise: You use your shotgun not to blast enemies to shreds, but instead you use the recoil to proppel yourself over objects!You complete a level with platform puzzles/challenges and at the end you defeat a goo monster that took the shape of Bao!
Bao helps you through the level and gives buffs during the fight.
After defeating the boss, the credits are shown during an animated music video that I made with the engine too. During this you can play a small minigame where you shoot fans (with love) whenever the try to climb on stage.On my twitch channel I usually stream myself working on this project and a lot of the thought process was done live. Through those many streams, this game had a lot of changes. For example, I added a rhythm aspect where you need to shoot on the beat to gain invincibility. On top of that I also wanted to make it semi-3D by adding a perspective. However, after a lot of coding and putting too much effort into these aspects, I realized it worked better without those.Same goes for some enemies I created. One shot water at you, one shot bubbles and a couple more. These were there to show what kind of moves Bao would use in her boss fight, but they hindered the flow more than they added!So after all the reworking, I have made a fun precise platformer with a mutiple difficuties, a boss fight and a minigame in one! Where the focus lies on perfecting one mechanic and following the cheesy story of two frieds fighting evil!

Some gameplay: and cutscenes
Pokemon D&D

This is a mix between the table-top game Dungeons and Dragons and Pokemon! The game itself isn't actually a video game, but a real-life role playing game where the players pretend to be pokemon and decide if actions work by using dice!For the role-playing aspect I had the players use the stats of D&D like strenght and wisdom. This determined how good they were at things like lying and surviving in nature. Combat however is based on the pokemon games and their turned based combat. So the players use attacks from the game! However, to prevent one-shotting everything, the enemies and players roll the dice to see how much power the move has. This is then filled in the online damage calculator by pokemon Showdown.The Dungeon Master can determine how much rople playing versus combat there is in a session. I prefer role playing myself!The gif you see above is a minigame I made where you try to stealthily dodge guards... the caviat: Each player controlls one direction to walk towards and it feels like you are walking on ice! (The players wanted to stack themselves like three todlers trying to go to an adult movie.) This creates a hectic and hilarious game where the players need to coordinate and work together where patience is key!
Taking my daughter to some illegal gambling

I'll be honest, a bit of a weird title maybe, but hey, I got your attention :PFor the GMTK game Jam 2022 I made a lovely story of a father who wants to have some quality time with his daughter... by taking her to some illegal gambling...Throw the dice to reach the target number, but you can change the outcome by hitting the wall, glasses or mugs.This project taught me how to be creative and develop an idea from scratch in just a matter of days. Game-jams can be stressful, sheeesh, but sooo fun!

Astral Escape
Omg, I can't seem to beat this puzzle... ya better download the game now and prove you CAN do it unlike meeee.:)Any,way, jokes aside, Astral Escape is a simplistic, but tricky puzzle game where you try to find the escape pod while the ground is slowly falling away.
The goal is to activate switches with the batteries/boxes in order to open the door, but you need to plan ahead or you will fall!There are multiple levels with each being more difficult than the last :o
Can you escapppeee????